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Friday, Apr. 08, 2005 - 2:28 a.m.

i ended my last entry with the words "the gloom ends."
and do you know how I took the first step?
I masturbated like hell.
aside from having a woman sitting on your lap and getting her some,
masturbation is one of the few things anybody can do to feel better.
it took a lotta work, but i did it.

there is another explanation for the old yank and pull session, but it doesn't really matter.

the point was, is, and should be this:
I can't sit around and wait for shit to happen to make my world better, nor can I expect a girl to fall into my lap, or money to just be deposited in my account at the end of business day.
Well, i thought it could happen that way, once, but those 2 cute girls woke me up on a saturday morning and I shoulda known that 2 cute girls on a saturday to see me meant they were packing copies of the watchtower...
anyway, timing here has been bad, things haven't went according to plan, so i have had to rethink things. I do hope with the help of a redheaded sidekick (and i mean that in a minimalist, yet important way) i can make sure the gloom goes away, stays away and I can finally get back to what matters to all 9 of my readers (10, but she won't admit it, lol) which is storytelling and making you wonder where my sanity went.

peace out/


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